Thursday, March 1, 2012
No change. No weight loss. No inches lost.
I'm trying to be optimistic. I'm trying to give it time. It's just so frustrating.
Since it's the beginning of March, I will start taking pictures at the beginning of every month. Hopefully I will see a change that I'm not seeing anywhere else.
I'm trying to get better workout things. I got a new pair of pants and just ordered an AWESOME pair of shoes since my current pair are losing both soles.
Pictures soon.
Weight: 187lbs
Gym: 7.5% incline @ 3mph weights 3x a week.
Ipod Motivation: Eminem - I Need a Doctor
Monday, January 23, 2012
2 years later
Going back to the gym in the mornings, this time with Matt. We've agreed that if he makes sure we go to the gym every morning for 3 weeks straight, I will watch the first 3 Rocky movies, in a row with no complaints.
I'll take a picture of what I look like soon. It ain't gonna be pretty. But that's kind of where we find ourselves at this time.
Weight: 188lbs
Gym: Treadmill, level 15 incline, 2mph, 30 minutes.
Ipod motivation: Flo'rida - Right Round
Thursday, March 4, 2010
And I'm back...
Workout: Gym, weight lifting, legs
Weight: 180.5lbs
I've been gone for a bit. Still working out, just not blogging about it as much as I'd like. Last week was my 29th birthday and I spent the week eating and drinking and barely working out. Luckily I only gained back about 2.5lbs, but as that's what I had been losing a week, it was a disappointment to take a step back after pretty big ones forward.
In my absence, I've updated my workouts, in I'm now alternating arms and legs with weight lifting. I also push for between 10-20 minutes of cardio (elliptical) after my work out. I'm at about 15 minutes with a slow start and pushing HARD in the middle.
I've gotten to the point where I'm stopped feeling like shit when I push myself hard to work out...instead I feel kind of floaty. I also feel accomplished, which is awesome.
I've abandonded my goal for Vegas, as it's now completely unattainable. I'm kind of bummed, but I'll still be in better shape than I was when I started.
I've decided to post progress shots every 3 months, which means I'll have to post one next month on the 18th. It ain't gonna be pretty, but screw it.
I need to start keeping track of my weight progress too. I just don't wanna be the dork carrying paper/pen around. I guess I could keep track with my phone, but I don't really have anywhere to stash it.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Week 2 - yoga failure
Workout: Gym, yoga
After avoiding the classes at my gym for....ohhhhh, about a year I decided to harden the fuck up and go to a yoga class. After my first lesson leaned (read: always wear fresh socks...NO ONE wanted to sit near me. Haha.), I sat down on my mat sort of near the back and waited while the other people filed in. It seemed a little dark in there, but I figured that was just to let people relax. The instructor was talking to a few of the ladies while she fiddled with the music.
Oddly enough she turns the lights down MORE until it's damn near completely dark in there. There was light coming in from the glass doors going to the rest of the gym and thank god, other wise we would have been accidentally kicking and punching each other the whole time. Then the yoga began. It wasn't a bad routine, but it was so hard to see her AND she was super vague about the movements. "Bend your right leg." "Forwards? Back? How much??". "Move your arm over." "Which arm???" "Over effing where?????""Blahblah-blahblahblah..." "What the hell is that? I don't know what the hell that means!"
PLUS she had no rhythm. Pace and rhythm are so important with having your movements sync up with your breathing. She would get distracted while giving bad instructions so people would start to fall over while waiting for the next movement or not have enough time to finish the pose.
Eventually most of the back of the class, tired of straining to see the instructor, or the other front-seated class-mates OR asking the rest of the confused....kind of gave up and just giggled a lot. The instructor finally started wandering through the class and we told her what was going on, so she KIND of helped a bit then, but not much. The class was almost over then anyways....
As a side point, I know I'm just too heavy to do yoga right now. I have very weak wrists and jacked up knees and the pressure makes them hurt like hell.
I still think I'd like to try other classes, now that I'm not so nervous, but I think yoga is out...
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Week 2
Workout - Gym, weights.
Ugh. Second week. The week after I'm all pumped about "being healthy" and shit. Now I just want things to go back to they were where I could sit around being lazy and eating whatever.
So I went to the gym. It was obnoxiously full. And in the worst way. Groups of "duders" together, hanging out at machines instead of working on them. When they do work on them they give you nasty looks for not being them. Thank fuck for my ipod and thoughts of Vegas poolsides.
I went a little lighter on the weights than I was doing last week. Last week I'm fairly sure I over did it. I was super sore that seemed like it was just too much. I'm always worried I'm doing too much or too little. My goal now is to keep up a sweat, but not feel like I'm going to pass out. I know I'm not going to see instant results if I lift insane weights for 5 hours a day, but it's hard not to be impatient.
At least I'm starting to feel stronger and healthier.
183.5lbs this morning.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Pilates is hard.
I am SORE. Mostly not in a good "I got a good workout" kind of way either. My knees, wrists and the palms of my hands hurt. At the same time, the leg workouts were pretty good. Anything standing up or flailing your arms around sucked though. Granted, that could have had something to do with the fact that I was in my basement and the ceiling is only about 5'9" tall, but still.
At the same time I can feel leg, stomach and butt muscles that definitely got worked on. I think this may me something I work up to, instead of trying to do 1.5 hours of it on my first go. I do have a tendency to either push too hard or give up to easily when I do....well anything. I'm currently aiming for "too hard", but within reason. Hey....that makes sense to me...
And we begin...

I'm Robin. I'm almost 29 years old and I'm a fatty pants.
I'm 5'4" and as of 1/17/10 I'm 186.5lbs.
I've been saying for months (read = years) that I'm going to get off my ass, join the gym and get back in shape. I've been a member of a gym for a year now and I've probably been 20 times, TOTAL.
I decided to go to the APP (Association of Professional Piercers) conference in LAS VEGAS this year and have no desire to be the fat girl by the pool in long shorts and a t-shirt. It;s time to actually put some effort into getting back in shape.
I met with a personal trainer last Thursday and even though she was obnoxiously perky and wore too much make-up I knew that she'd be a good trainer. We spoke about the cost and immediately my heart was crushed. $300 A MONTH. Well I simply don't have enough to rock that. Looks like I'm gonna have to do this myself. And as much as everyone says they're supportive, that more seems to be the case when directly confronted with it, but certainly not always.
At home I have my yoga mat, 2x 10lb weights, a resistance band, a 25lb flat weight, large medicine ball and a jump rope. I also have Netflix on Demand, which has a few workout videos.
At the gym, I'm mostly focusing on weight lifting. I have a major knee injury that I've had surgery on so I can only do a little with my legs. At home, I'm futzing around with a few things.
This blog is for me to keep up with all my workout shit, because I love to talk about it, but I feel like I'm boring the crap out of everyone on other social networking sites. Sometimes I just need to read myself talking.
I don't expect anyone else to read this, but if you do, feel free to ask questions or whatever. Eventually I'll be brave enough to post pictures. Just not yet. No one wants to see my fatty pants...